Difference Between Photosynthesis vs Cellular Respiration

Difference Between Photosynthesis vs Cellular Respiration

A lot of times, when you get your food, you may need to process it to an extent before you can eat it. Doing so may require varying processes like the use of heat. Eventually, the meal comes out ready to eat. Interestingly, when we eat, our bodies do not readily assimilate the nutrients. They have to go through a preparatory process that breaks them down and puts them in the right form that is good enough for the body to work with.

In this post, we would be discussing the difference between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. They may have a few things in common in the sense that they go through the same process, but in actuality, they are contrary each other concerning direction.

Definition of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is defined as a biological operation where plants use sunlight to make their food. From the term, it is obvious that a form of conjunction takes place using the solar component, chlorophyll, and water.

For a better understanding of the cellular respiration vs photosynthesis comparison, the first thing to commit to memory is the importance of light in both processes. The latter could either be a light-dependent or a dark reaction. In the first case, ultraviolet rays react with the chlorophyll. This causes the electrons to get excited, so much so that they lead to the separation of O2 from CO2.

What takes place after this is the dark phase. In this case, the C molecules are converted into carbohydrate and stored in the plant cells which becomes food source. From another perspective, this process can be summarized as the conversion of CO2 into an organic substance with the help of light from the sun. notice how it says “organic compounds” connoting all the elements required for this process.

Definition of Cellular Respiration

Cellular respiration is a cycle that involves the combination of O2 and GLC to CO2 and H2O to produce vigor. This takes place in every living thing, according to scientists. It is necessary because it is the only way that the cells can benefit from food.

Ordinarily, the nutrients from foods are in unusable forms and need to be transformed before they can be assimilated by the cell and converted to vitality. This can either be aerobic (takes place in the presence) or anaerobic (takes place in the absence).

One difference between cellular respiration and photosynthesis worth mentioning is the stages involved in each of the procedures. The former takes place in four different stages – glycolysis, linking, Kreb’s cycle, and electron transport chain levels. The latter, on the other hand, takes place in two different stages – the light cycle and the Calvin cycle.

Main Differences Between Photosynthesis vs Cellular Respiration

Aside from the definitions above, there are a bunch of other things that can help tell these occurrences apart. This section would be a summary of the key points that highlight the difference between these two.

Basis of ComparisonPhotosynthesisCellular Respiration
DefinitionA biological operation where plants use sunlight to make their foodA cycle that involves the combination of oxygen and glucose to CO2 and H2O
Location Occurs in the chloroplasts of phototrophsTakes place in the mitochondria of all living organisms
Reactants6CO2 and 12H2O and lightC6H12O6 and 6O2
Key componentSunOxygen 
Process Anabolic – combining food nutrients to capture the livelinessCatabolic – breaking down of food particles to release vigor
Chemical process O2 and GLC are formed when H2O and CO2 combine in the presence of sunWater, energy, and CO2 all results from the breakdown of GLC
Chemical Equation6CO2 + 12H2O + sun –> C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H206O2 + C6H12O6 –> 6CO2 +6H2O + ATP

Difference Between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: Conclusion

To conclude this post, it is evident that this photosynthesis vs cellular respiration comparison shows how these two contradict each other with the same results. While one is a forward event that seeks to capture, the other is a backward process that seeks to release.