Sale vs Sell – Difference Between Sale and Sell

Sale vs Sell – Difference Between Sale and Sell

Sale denotes the process of accepting money in exchange for providing goods or services, while sell is the very action of accepting money in exchange for specified products. This post will highlight the actual difference between these two terms.

Sale vs sell are used quite often in the world of commerce. They sound somewhat similar, but they have different meanings. As a matter of fact, each of them has more than one meaning as we will soon see in the section below.

Definition of Sale – So What Is Sale?

Sale is defined as the process where money or value is exchanged for the ownership of a good or the entitlement of a service. This involves different targeted steps aimed at creating awareness about a product and closing a deal on it eventually. Additionally, a sale can also be a period of time when a party sells a particular product at a reduced price.

In comparing sell vs sale, there are seven different business stages involved in the latter. This is called the sales process. They include the following.

  • Prospecting
  • Preparation
  • Approach
  • Presentations
  • Handling objections
  • Closing
  • Following up

From what we have so far, you can see the difference between sale and sell and how the former is a bit more than just handing over a product in exchange for some legal tender. A business expert once defined it as “a customer’s journey from realizing they have a need for a product to making an actual purchase.”

From another perspective in comparing sale vs sell, the former term is also defined as the public disposal of an item to the highest bidder in an auction. An auction is an organized gathering where several people compete for an item by placing bids on it.

It may be a closed auction, which means bidders are not aware of competing bids, or an open auction, which means bidders are aware of other bids. Whatever is the case, the item usually goes to the highest bidder at the end of the day.

Definition of Sell – So What Is Sell?

Sell is defined as the action of giving up a piece of property or rendering service in exchange for something of value such as money. There are a lot of cases where people sell different things for a living; they purchase products at a low price and then offer them to interested buyers for a selling price, which is usually higher than the initial buying price. They do this to make profit, and the process is generally known as buying and selling.

The first thing to keep in mind about this definition regarding the difference between sell and sale is that the former is a verb while the latter is a noun. The former is a simple action where one thing is exchanged for the other, but the latter is the common name for a set of actions.

While still considering how sell or sale are used in the context of commerce, you can see how the former is simpler than the latter. It is just one action, and that is it. When evaluating sale and sell, the former is more complex. One has to go through different stages to accomplish a sale.

Aside from commercial contexts, there are other ways one can apply the term “sell” in sale vs sell definition. It is also used to express betrayal — the violation of trust, loyalty, duty, etc. for personal gain. From another perspective, it can be described as to give out something of value (like information) for a profit against one’s conscience, justice, or duty.

What Is the Main Difference Between Sale and Sell?

So far, you should be able to answer the question, is it sell or sale, know their meanings, and their parts of speech. Let us put sell vs sale side by side to see how they compare to each other below. This will help you gain an in-depth understanding of these terms.

Basis of ComparisonSaleSell
DefinitionEither the exchange of a commodity for a legal tender or a period of time when a party sells a particular product at a reduced priceThe act of giving or handing over something to another person in exchange for money
Part of speechNounVerb
ConjugatesNo conjugationConjugation required
Examples– The car is not for sale.
– Tickets are on sale for the concert.
– The sale of cigarettes or alcohol is not allowed in the school.  
– I need to sell some of my jewelry for cash.
– They sold their house to repay the bank loan.
– The grocery store does not sell paint.

This table contains a summary of the variations between sale and sell. Understanding them will give anyone a basic foundational knowledge about how, where, and when to use them correctly.

Sale and Sell Difference – FAQ

Is it selling or saling?

The correct answer is selling, which is a present participle. Saling is incorrect when used in that form, and it also does not have any comprehensible meaning in the English language. Selling or saling is most likely a typo error. The correct term should be sell or sale rather than selling or saling.

How do you use sell in a sentence?

Understanding how to use the term “sell” in a sentence can help you tell the difference between sell and sale. Here are some examples of how to use it.

  1. I have to sell my movie collection to raise money for attending university.
  2. I bought a new car, and now I want to sell the old one since I do not need it.
  3. Will you sell your house before relocating to another state?
  4. It is time to sell my stock and cash in on the whole investment.

The above illustrations further explain how and when to use sell or sale. As you can see, the term “sell” is employed where there is a need for direct exchange of money and nothing more.

How do you use sale in a sentence?

The sale and sell difference can be seen in their uses. In sell versus sale, using the latter in a sentence may connote selling something, but that is not the only context in which it can be used in a sentence. Here are some examples.

  1. I know a car salesperson that can show you good cars for sale.
  2. I was leaving the country, so I had to put my house up for sale.
  3. The Jacksons are holding a garage sale this Saturday.
  4. She bought the jeans on sale for half price.

One sell and sale difference can be seen in the case of the latter; there is usually more than one person who is interested in the merchandise or property.

Which of the two goes with price, sell or sale?

You can use either the term “sale price” or “selling price,” and they are somewhat interchangeable. However, the sell and sale difference, in this case, is seen in the circumstances surrounding a commercial activity.

For instance, in the difference between sell and sale, when you are referring to the regular cost of a particular piece of merchandise, you are talking about the selling price or sale price, but when you are referring to the discount cost of a product, then the term “sale price” is correct.

Do you say, “I sell” or “I sale”?

The correct term is “I sell,” which refers to a present action that you take. Remember, the term “sell” is a verb (an action word). Understanding their grammatical context helps you know what’s the difference between sale and sell.

Should it be to sale or to sell?

The correct answer between sell vs sale in this case is “to sell.” Since “sell” is a verb, we can form an infinitive by adding “to” before it. We cannot create an infinitive out of a noun like “sale.”

Is it for sale or for sell?

This question about for sell or for sale is one of the most common questions asked about these terms. The correct one is the latter — “for sale.” “Sale” is a noun, and only nouns or pronouns can serve as the objects of prepositions like “for.”

When comparing sale v sell, we are reminded once again that they are different parts of speech. To answer this question on the difference between sale and sell, you need to know their parts of speech. “Sale” is a noun, and “sell” is a verb. Something you want to sell is “for sale” not “for sell.”

So What’s the Difference Between Sale and Sell? – Conclusion

In the world of commerce and finance, these terms are used quite often and in the right context as explained above. The sale and sell difference is very well understood in this industry and applied in a way that may be confusing to laymen.

They may sound similar and even have similar meanings, but each cannot be used in place of the other. You may come across these words being used interchangeably in an ordinary context but not in a professional setting.

Finally, the comparison of sale vs sell as seen above shows that the former is a noun while the latter is a verb. The former is the process that explains the exchange of goods or services for money, while the latter is the action of giving or handing over something in exchange for money.