Scientific Theory vs Hypothesis – Difference Between Them

Scientific Theory vs Hypothesis – Difference Between Them

Are you here to know how is a scientific hypothesis different from a scientific theory? Often, there exists bewilderment amid both terminologies that will be discussing shortly. How are both these nomenclatures distinguished from one another? The much like-sounding concepts actually are dissimilar.

In fact, a deeper insight into the terminologies will help learning the main contrast between them. We have our own interpretations of both. Still, the difference between hypothesis and scientific theory remains a blur to lots of people.

Ready to unblur your vision about this doubt? For a brief discussion, read this definition. The first refers to a comment that is merely assumed to have no validity. The second, on the other hand, is a hypothesis that has been authenticated after conducting analysis and research. This is called a theory.

 The article below sheds light on the discussion on how a scientific theory is different from a hypothesis. Let us explore more on scientific theory vs hypothesis by considering them in separate sections. After the individual distinction, a comparison report is drafted to understand how scientific theories are compared to hypotheses. Let’s begin with their meanings.

Definition of Scientific Theory

A cluster of thought and information presupposed to be accurate. A scientific theory is verified and validated. It is a hypothesis which, after analysis and examinations, is confirmed as authentic. It is hence written as a theory. It is scientifically certified by evidence of its veracity. It takes into account a larger amount of data so that the conclusions are more precise and accurate.

The scientific definition of hypothesis can therefore be stated as a presupposition on a statement for which there is limited evidence of truthfulness to allow further examination.

For instance, look at Einstein’s theory of relativity. He was able to draw a conclusion from his investigations. Despite that, various tests and verifications have been performed to confirm the accuracy of the consideration. It is therefore verified and reliable.

Definition of Scientific Hypothesis

It is based on a belief. It can be considered as a mere guess. It has not been proven or verified and is only a presumption. It needs to pass a test to confirm whether or not the presupposition is accurate. This deals with a small amount of data. It is an ambiguous statement that may be true. It is merely left to certain possibilities or predictions that may be true. Since the consequence is not certain to be deemed valid, the result is precarious.

For instance, let us consider the case of a person whose computer has been infected by a virus. He can then suppose that if he formats the computer, it will then help him get rid of the viruses. This is an assumption and therefore a hypothesis.

Scientific Theory vs Hypothesis Comparison Table

Below is a comparison table. It will allow our readers to quickly familiarize themselves with the concepts discussed above. Let us now move on to the table and have a quick recap in the form of a draft table.

So let’s quickly check how a scientific theory compares to a scientific hypothesis.

Comparison Scientific Theory Hypothesis
Meaning A proved statement proven and validated by certain tests. Also, it is continuously analyzed to check its validity. Assumptions that have not been tested but may or may not be invalid. It is a guess based on certain data.
Tested Well tested Not tested
Positioned on Recursive tests, verifications, and confirmations Possibilities or assumptions.
Outcome Nos questionable Questionable
Data amount A greater amount of data is studied Lesser data or finite data  

Conclusion of Main Difference Between Scientific Theory vs Scientific Hypothesis

Even though both terminologies sound remarkably similar, they have distinct meanings. The difference between scientific theory and hypothesis must be observed closely. When a hypothesis passes all the tests and asserts its validity, it becomes a theory. Whereas the former merely works on a guess for the purpose of testing, the latter is a valid and accurate statement.

These words are often not only misunderstood, but also misused during conversations. A small hypothesis is regarded as a theory and vice versa. It is conceivable, now in all probability, that it would have been possible to understand how a scientific theory compares to a scientific hypothesis. We hope that you now clearly know what to call theory and a hypothesis.