Difference Between Buddhism vs Hinduism

Today’s post will determine the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism as this is a widely debated subject and leads to confusion for many people. Both religions feature key elements that serve to set them apart. Key variations can be pinpointed to a few comparable areas, however, which is where so much widespread confusion comes from. Read on to reach total enlightenment on this subject.
Definition of Buddhism
Buddhism is: “A religious system with roots in central and Eastern Asia that revolves around the teachings of a prophet named Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). ” Using the above description alone, it’d be almost impossible to separate the two forms of belief from one another. We need to delve further into the principles behind each one to find our main difference.
Buddhism places enormous value in practicing selflessness. The general belief in the existence of a “self,” and putting any importance into that has absolutely no place in this religious system. A figurehead named Buddha is also at the heart and core of this belief system and series of religious principles.
Though he is the focal point for the instruction and practices of Buddhism in general, there are no other gods or deities involved in its structure. This contrasts dramatically with Hinduism, which features several.
Another fundamental contrast also lies in the manner in which those who practice each religion view sorrow. Where Buddhism is concerned, sorrow is a normal part of human life, whereas a Hindu believes that sorrow is something attributed to past activity in an alternative life.
Definition of Hinduism
Hinduism is: “The most widespread religion of the Indian people. Based upon a religion followed by Aryan settlers and diversified over millenia.” Again, when trying to separate the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism, we’ve got to look much deeper than the description alone, and instead at the intricacies that form the framework of these forms of belief.
When speaking about the features of Buddhism, we stated how there is no belief in any kind of existence of self. This is one of the main contrasting elements between the two, because Hinduism places an emphasis on two elements known as “Atman” and “Brahman.”
The former word relates to a soul, and the latter, eternity of oneself. So, there is not only an acceptance of self, but a big focus on both developing, growing, and sustaining it, too. Also described was how Buddhism isn’t a system that includes gods as such, whereas Hinduism features a number of spiritual figureheads.
Interestingly, Buddha is viewed by Hindu practitioners as being a reincarnation of one of their gods, despite Buddhists not necessarily recognising him as a god themselves, but rather a prophet. It’s this outlook on self perspective and the several spiritual leaders found in one religion compared to one another that helps us to get to the bottom of the Buddhism vs Hinduism debate.
Main Differences Between Buddhism vs Hinduism
We’ll now provide you with a quick reference table to help you easily determine the key differences at a quick glance:
Basis of Comparison | Buddhism | Hinduism |
Associated figureheads? | No gods, but a prophet Buddha instead | A number of different deities |
Belief in “self”? | No belief in any form of self | Strong belief in the soul, preserving ones soul, and consequently one’s self |
View on sorrow? | Sorrow is a normal part of human existence | Sorrow exists because of our actions in a past life |
Place of origin? | Asia | Asia |
Name of followers | Buddhists | Hindus |
Difference Between Buddhism and Hinduism: Conclusion
Though the comparative nature they share concerning their world perspective and promotion of kindness can lead to confusion as to which one is which, this post has helped you to determine some easy to discern key variations.
Healthy debate will always come forward in the form of Buddhism vs Hinduism and how those who practice one or the other treat others in conjunction with their surrounding world and how their individual core values stack up against each other. There are always going to be comparative points. Ultimately, however, the key areas mentioned today definitely reveal them both as separate entities.