Difference Between Canadian Bacon vs Ham

Difference Between Canadian Bacon vs Ham

Let us talk about pork! If you browse the internet, you will find a hundred and one reasons why it is unhealthy. You will also find numerous reasons why it is described as a key to healthy living. Well, it is a yin and yang situation if you ask us. You need to find the balance and stick to that.

For some people, finding the balance may have to do with what part of pork they should consume, which brings us to our topic for today—the difference between Canadian bacon and ham. These are two different types of pork meat. In the course of this article, we will demystify their disparities.

Definition of Canadian Bacon

Canadian bacon is defined as any meat cut out from the back loin of a pig. Any other piece of meat sliced out from any other part of the swine cannot be categorized in this class for obvious reasons. The particular part of the body it is taken from matters a lot because of nutritional facts and textures.

According to experts, the Canadian bacon vs ham issue can be settled by simply looking at their nutritional facts. A single 100 gram serving of the former contains 157 kcal. It also contains a total fat of 7 g, 50 mg of cholesterol, 1.7 g of carbs, 904 mg of sodium, 334 mg of potassium, and a whopping 21 g of protein. Additionally, it provides vitamin D, vitamin B-6, cobalamin, iron, and magnesium.

This portion of pork is particularly high in protein and low in carbs, making it suitable for people who may have nutritional needs that are accommodated by it. Just like the name implies, this type of meat is famous in Canada and some other parts of the world like the United States, New Zealand, and so on.

Definition of Ham

Ham is simply defined as any piece of pork that is sourced from the posterior of a swine, specifically the legs, rump region, and thighs. It can be gotten in diced chunks, slices, or whole hams. This is unlike Canadian bacon, which comes in sliced form only.

Each 100 g serving of this meat contains 97 kcal, which is obviously lower than that of Canadian bacon. The nutritional contents include 18.7 g protein, 1.7 g fat, 1.2 g carbohydrate, and 1.2 g sugar as well. It also contains salt. One difference between ham and Canadian bacon on a general note is that the former is not as nutritious as the latter.

Ham is more popular in Europe and is usually mechanically processed, probably because it has a lot of bones. Many people prefer to have this as lunch or dinner as opposed to breakfast.

Main Differences Between Canadian Bacon vs Ham

The descriptions above might have revealed some unique traits of these different pork meats. Here is some helpful information summarizing the differences between these two.

Basis of comparisonCanadian BaconHam
Definition Any meat cut out from the back loin of a pigAny piece of pork that is sourced from the posterior of a swine, specifically the legs, rump region, and thighs
Preference Daily consumptionSpecial events 
Popularity Canada, United States, New ZealandEurope
Processing methodProcessed at home for the most partMechanically processed 
Size/shape Usually thin and slicedUsually thick and made into chunks that are diced, sliced, or whole
Meal Preferred as breakfastMostly served as lunch or dinner
Protein 21 g18.7 g
Fat 7 g1.7 g
Calories 157 kcal97 kcal
Carbohydrates1.7 g1.2 g

Difference Between Canadian Bacon and Ham: Conclusion

In conclusion, the ham vs Canadian bacon comparison shows that these two both come from pigs, which explains why they may have the same taste and physical appearance. However, their nutritional content is dissimilar by a long shot.

The latter, which is usually processed, prepared, and served mostly as breakfast, does not take much time. The former is mostly processed mechanically and is prepared and served as either lunch or dinner. They are both nutritious and healthy when eaten in moderation.