Difference Between Mulberry vs Blackberry

Difference Between Mulberry vs Blackberry

Fruits have a high nutritional value. In clear terms, they are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, some protein, and carbohydrates. More importantly, eating them reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. It is little wonder people often eat them before or after meals. Given the benefits of eating fruit, many people cannot do without them.

Funnily enough, the same people find it very challenging to differentiate between certain fruits that look alike. A good example is that many cannot spot the difference between mulberry and blackberry due to their similar appearance. If you have that challenge, this guide will walk you through distinguishing between them. However, we will start with the definitions.

Definition of Mulberry

Mulberry is a fruit-bearing plant that grows extensively in Asia, Europe, and Africa. Having a large footprint in those continents, the plant is found across the lengths and breadths of the northern hemisphere. The tree belongs to the Moraceae family and is a berry from the Morus alba tree. A close look at it shows that it shares some relationship with figs, breadfruit, and banyan.

The tree is deciduous with foliage that grows in a large oval shape. Still, it displays the usual color of trees found in the family by bearing a reddish-purple berry. One thing you will find out about its juice is that it always stains the teeth, mouth, and hands. As a matter of fact, it stains anything it comes into contact with.

Well, the mulberry has essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin K, fiber, antioxidants, etc. Plus, small organisms find the berries useful because they serve as a source of food. A good example is the silkworm.

Other health benefits of the fruit include being good for heart care, dysentery treatment, skin diseases, controlling blood sugar levels, etc. Before we discuss the difference between blackberry and mulberry, let us explain the former.

Definition of Blackberry

Blackberry belongs to the Rubus genus in the popular Rosaceae family. Other members of the family include raspberry and dewberry. If you want to see many blackberry bushes, you have to head to the United States because it is native to the Americas.

Concerning the bush’s shape, it is not uncommon to see them looking roundish and small. Over time, they will become even larger in size. A walk through any area where the bushes grow shows that medium-sized bushes abound. Those medium-sized shrubs often have berries with dark colors that lie between black and deep purple.

One of the reasons it has become increasingly popular is that the fruit has significant health benefits. For instance, health experts say that it is ideal for strengthening the immune system. This happens because it contains both vitamin C and numerous antioxidants.

Many people love it in their desserts because the berries have a sweet and tart flavor. In addition to that, there are other advantages. These health benefits include cancer prevention, flu treatment, boosting eye health, kidney stone treatment, cholesterol level maintenance, and anti-aging properties.  

Main Differences Between Mulberry vs Blackberry

The table below gives more insight into the mulberry vs blackberry discussion.

Basis of ComparisonMulberryBlackberry  
Brief introductionA deciduous tree that belongs to the Morus genus and then the Moraceae familyA perennial plant that belongs to the Rosaceae family and Rubus genus
Fruit colorIt may occur in black or reddish-purple colorThe color lies between purple and black
Foliage shapeAn oval shapeA round shape 
Plant sizeAlways largeRelatively small 
FamilyBelongs to the MoraceaeBelongs to the Rosaceae
GenusBelongs to the MorusBelongs to the Rubus
ThornsHas no thornsOften has thorns

Difference Between Mulberry and Blackberry: Conclusion

In conclusion, looking at the table closely, it is easy to spot that the two fruits and plants have many distinctions. These disparities are seen in color, shape, genus, family, and size.

In other words, this guide on blackberry vs mulberry will be incomplete without pointing out that while the former belongs to the Rosaceae family, the latter belongs to the Moraceae family. Finally, we can also note that the blackberry shrubs grow to about 3–4 feet tall, but the mulberry tree can grow as high as 30–50 feet.