Difference Between Manager vs Supervisor

Difference Between Manager vs Supervisor

Many people have trained themselves to be disciplined in different areas of their lives, but there is still a possibility that they may require direction from those who are more knowledgeable and experienced.

This is why hierarchy was put in place to help to create unified direction in completing tasks and to establish workable standards. According to business experts, having a strong organizational structure is paramount to any business success.

One of the best ways to set up a strong organizational structure is by hiring great employees who are accountable to their superiors. In this post, we will be looking at two specific types of superior employees, to whom they are expected to answer, and how they are different from one another. Specifically, we are discussing the difference between supervisor and manager.

Definition of Manager

A manager is a person who is responsible for administering an organization through overseeing the use of skills, directing the use of resources, and monitoring internal operations.

Anyone who holds such a position in an establishment is expected to have a grounded understanding of the mandates of the establishment and a plan for how to follow through with them. She is also expected to have a notable level of experience in the field or a related area.

Before hiring one, a company looks for specific qualities including creativity. According to experts, this is what separates competence from excellence. An organization that wishes to stand out treasures any person that can bring a level of creativity to the business to propel their projects to success and capture the attention of their customers.

Other qualities expected of him or her include knowledge, commitment, versatility, discipline, focus, and being human. A manager is expected to be capable of multitasking in order to handle every issue in the organization and report accordingly to the board of directors.

Definition of Supervisor

A supervisor is a person who is responsible for the regulation and oversight of employees including regulating them in close range as they perform the tasks assigned to them. In comparing supervisor vs manager, the two positions are relatively similar, but the former has less authority than the latter. Also, the latter reports to the board of directors while the former reports to the latter.

The relationship between these two in an organization is close. The latter, as you may have perceived, may not have the ability to be directly involved in every single internal affair of an establishment especially if it is a big one. So, he delegates different tasks to the team leaders and expects them to report back to him.

Supervisors are charged with responsibilities such as training new employees, workflow management, team leadership, evaluation and managing performance, reporting to senior management, and so on.

Main Differences Between Manager vs Supervisor

There are quite a number of other factors we may not have covered in this post regarding the difference between manager and supervisor, but we have shared some of the basics in the table below.

Basis of ComparisonManagerSupervisor
DefinitionA person who is responsible for administering an organization through overseeing the use of skills, directing the use of resources, and monitoring internal operationsA person who is responsible for the regulation and oversight of employees including regulating them in close range as they perform the tasks assigned to them
Management hierarchyMiddle levelLower level
Job descriptionTo coordinate an effective workflow regarding people, resources, plans, and executionOversees the execution of work plans
ReportsBoard of directorsManagement
Decision-makingFlexible enough to hire, fire, or promote a workerNot very flexible

Difference Between Manager and Supervisor: Conclusion

In conclusion, it is obvious that the manager vs supervisor job descriptions are different even though they may be related to an extent. The latter is mostly concerned with any function that has to do with his team.

A supervisor takes close note of the team members’ performance, makes suggestions where necessary, and reports to superiors. A manager, on the other hand, is concerned with every employee, team, and resource and every other thing required to propel an establishment to success and make it stand out from the rest.